Compétition TOUT-TERRAIN en France
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Compétition TOUT-TERRAIN en France

Discussions sur les différentes épreuves Françaises de rallyes Tout-Terrain
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 Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!!

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Autin Jérémy
Prie bruno
Rick et Sandra Mann
9 participants
Rick et Sandra Mann
Super FAN
Rick et Sandra Mann

Nombre de messages : 52
Date d'inscription : 18/05/2008

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Empty
MessageSujet: Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!!   Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Icon_minitimeMar 02 Juin 2009, 19:47

Any photo's or video clips we would appreciate these!

Fantastic Rally, thankyou to Co-pilotes who assisted Sandra. Very Happy


See you at Dunes (for an English victory!!!) affraid

Rick & Sandra Mann,
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Prie bruno
Super Passionné
Prie bruno

Nombre de messages : 896
Age : 59
Date d'inscription : 27/04/2009

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!!   Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Icon_minitimeMar 02 Juin 2009, 20:10

Hello rick and Sandra here are photographs and still cheer beautiful race bye

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Dsci0014

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! 6sgxhw

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! 2vsnuhi

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! 2pq1cfc

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! 2iuqi2o

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! 2ntwis7

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! 347a3y1
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Autin Jérémy
Hyper Bavard
Autin Jérémy

Nombre de messages : 267
Age : 34
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2007

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!!   Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Icon_minitimeMer 03 Juin 2009, 11:13

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Dsc00622

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Dsc00623
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MegaHyper Actif
MegaHyper Actif

Nombre de messages : 5225
Age : 60
Date d'inscription : 04/07/2005

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!!   Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Icon_minitimeMer 03 Juin 2009, 18:05

Sorry for the low quality Embarassed (certainement en mauvais anglais aussi!)
Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Hpim5965
Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Hpim5966
Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Hpim6021
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Nombre de messages : 12
Age : 59
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2009

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!!   Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Icon_minitimeMer 03 Juin 2009, 22:37

Hello, this is my only two photos.

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! P1000215
Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! P1000310
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Rick et Sandra Mann
Super FAN
Rick et Sandra Mann

Nombre de messages : 52
Date d'inscription : 18/05/2008

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!!   Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Icon_minitimeDim 07 Juin 2009, 19:06

Thank you for all the photo's - has anybody got anymore?

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collombet jean-françois
Hyper Actif
collombet jean-françois

Nombre de messages : 1412
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2006

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!!   Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Icon_minitimeLun 08 Juin 2009, 11:45

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Img_1414

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Img_1328

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Img_1327

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Img_1220

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Img_1219

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Img_1218

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Img_1217

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Img_0921

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Img_0713

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Img_0611
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Hyper Actif

Nombre de messages : 1343
Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2005

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!!   Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Icon_minitimeMar 09 Juin 2009, 16:59

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Dsc_0160

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Dsc_0088

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Dsc_0089
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Hyper Bavard

Nombre de messages : 298
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2007

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!!   Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Icon_minitimeMar 09 Juin 2009, 19:08

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! 4_510
Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! 4_410
Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! 4_310
Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! 4_210
Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! 4_110
Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! 410
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Rick et Sandra Mann
Super FAN
Rick et Sandra Mann

Nombre de messages : 52
Date d'inscription : 18/05/2008

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!!   Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Juin 2009, 21:45

Merci Beaucoup, Fantastic Photo's!!
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Hyper Actif

Nombre de messages : 1430
Age : 47
Date d'inscription : 19/06/2006

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!!   Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Icon_minitimeVen 12 Juin 2009, 02:58

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Imgp3110
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Contenu sponsorisé

Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!!   Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!! Icon_minitime

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Photos or Video, English Buggy 47, The flying Roast Beefs!!
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Compétition TOUT-TERRAIN en France :: souvenirs du TT :: Les années 2000 :: Rallyes 2009 :: 30.05-01/06/2009 - Rallye Jean de la Fontaine :: 2009-Pendant/Aprés le JDF-
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