Compétition TOUT-TERRAIN en France
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Compétition TOUT-TERRAIN en France

Discussions sur les différentes épreuves Françaises de rallyes Tout-Terrain
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 Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English)

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5 participants
Rick et Sandra Mann
Super FAN
Rick et Sandra Mann

Nombre de messages : 52
Date d'inscription : 18/05/2008

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Empty
MessageSujet: Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English)   Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Icon_minitimeSam 05 Juin 2010, 22:46

Please can you send pictures of car 25, Purple Buggy.

Thanks to everyone for a superb rally - Unfortunately We Had to remove it Saturday after SS4, with a worn clutch. Hopefully we Will Be Out for Orthez, see you there!

Rick & Sandra Mann

A few "clips of incar racing in the UK .....
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gerard guillemant
Hyper Bavard
gerard guillemant

Nombre de messages : 303
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2008

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English)   Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Icon_minitimeSam 05 Juin 2010, 23:37

Thank for these videos
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MegaHyper Actif
MegaHyper Actif

Nombre de messages : 5225
Age : 60
Date d'inscription : 04/07/2005

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English)   Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Icon_minitimeLun 07 Juin 2010, 20:03

Rick et Sandra Mann a écrit:

A few "clips of incar racing in the UK .....

Thank you for the movies - A great show!!!!! Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Icon_eek

Sorry I don't 'have pictures.....
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Jacques Devisme (JaDe)
Hyper Actif
Jacques Devisme (JaDe)

Nombre de messages : 1197
Date d'inscription : 20/03/2008

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English)   Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Icon_minitimeLun 07 Juin 2010, 20:11

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) _mg_4912

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) _mg_5113

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) _mg_5112

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) _mg_5111

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) _mg_5110

Good morning,
photographs of your car
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Hyper Actif

Nombre de messages : 1343
Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2005

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English)   Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Icon_minitimeMar 08 Juin 2010, 00:12

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Dsc_0045

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Dsc_0046

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Dsc_0133

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Dsc_0134
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Rick et Sandra Mann
Super FAN
Rick et Sandra Mann

Nombre de messages : 52
Date d'inscription : 18/05/2008

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English)   Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Icon_minitimeMar 08 Juin 2010, 10:03

Thank you so much for the photo's and the nice comments about the video footage.
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Contenu sponsorisé

Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English)   Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English) Icon_minitime

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Photos of car 25 (purple buggy English)
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Compétition TOUT-TERRAIN en France :: souvenirs du TT :: Les années 2010 :: Rallyes 2010 :: 22-23/05/2010 - Rallye Jean de la Fontaine :: 2010-Pendant/Aprés le JDF-
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